"Did You Know?" Marine Debris Bookmark Series

Image of the entanglement bookmark in the "Did You Know?" marine debris bookmark series.

The "Did You Know?" marine debris bookmark series is full of vibrant and colorful images with fun facts about marine debris. Set each bookmark side by side and you'll see that the images connect-- a reminder that our land, ocean, and our actions are all connected. The bookmarks touch on marine debris issues like entanglement, derelict fishing gear, ingestion of debris by wildlife, and garbage patches. Finally, they remind us that trash doesn't belong in our ocean and that we can all contribute to the solution!
In limited supply: contact the NOAA Marine Debris Program while supplies last, or download here.

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For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated Tue, 03/19/2024 - 07:07 pm EDT