Keeping Current with Marine Debris in Florida and the Caribbean

4 years 11 months ago
Keeping Current with Marine Debris in Florida and the Caribbean jennifer.simms Fri, 03/27/2020 - 13:45

The NOAA Marine Debris Program’s Florida and Caribbean region includes the state of Florida and the territories of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands (USVI; St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas). This area is surrounded by clear blue water full of diverse coral reefs, fish, and other marine life. The region is no stranger to tourism, fishing, and natural hazards, such as hurricanes, and each of these events can generate marine debris.

Tags removal prevention Fishing for Energy Florida Caribbean

Keeping Current with Marine Debris in Florida and the Caribbean

4 years 11 months ago
Keeping Current with Marine Debris in Florida and the Caribbean jennifer.simms Fri, 03/27/2020 - 13:45

The NOAA Marine Debris Program’s Florida and Caribbean region includes the state of Florida and the territories of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands (USVI; St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas). This area is surrounded by clear blue water full of diverse coral reefs, fish, and other marine life. The region is no stranger to tourism, fishing, and natural hazards, such as hurricanes, and each of these events can generate marine debris.

Tags removal prevention Fishing for Energy Florida Caribbean

Digital Debris - Learn About Marine Debris Online

4 years 11 months ago
Digital Debris - Learn About Marine Debris Online jennifer.simms Tue, 03/24/2020 - 11:27

You don’t need to live by the coast or the Great Lakes to learn about marine debris. The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP) has free activities, videos, and more available online. On the MDP website, there is a dedicated section with resources and activities for all ages, where you can view activity books and browse lesson plans.

Tags education

2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards

5 years ago
2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards jennifer.simms Mon, 03/09/2020 - 13:17

Following a competitive review process, the NOAA Marine Debris Program and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation are pleased to announce the six recipients of the 2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund. The funds will go to coastal states and territories impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, totaling approximately $8.2 million in federal funds. Federal funding is supplemented by grantee matching contributions, bringing the total investment of these marine debris projects to approximately $8.6 million.

Tags emergency response Florida Southeast Pacific Islands

2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards

5 years ago
2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards Posted Mon, 03/09/2020 - 13:17

Following a competitive review process, the NOAA Marine Debris Program and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation are pleased to announce the six recipients of the 2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund. The funds will go to coastal states and territories impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, totaling approximately $8.2 million in federal funds. Federal funding is supplemented by grantee matching contributions, bringing the total investment of these marine debris projects to approximately $8.6 million.

Tags emergency response Florida & the Caribbean Southeast Pacific Islands

2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards

5 years ago
2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund Awards jennifer.simms Mon, 03/09/2020 - 13:17

Following a competitive review process, the NOAA Marine Debris Program and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation are pleased to announce the six recipients of the 2019 Hurricane Response Marine Debris Removal Fund. The funds will go to coastal states and territories impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, totaling approximately $8.2 million in federal funds. Federal funding is supplemented by grantee matching contributions, bringing the total investment of these marine debris projects to approximately $8.6 million.

Tags emergency response Florida Southeast Pacific Islands

Teaming Up to Keep Mardi Gras Crazy Fun & Crazy Clean!

5 years ago
Teaming Up to Keep Mardi Gras Crazy Fun & Crazy Clean! jennifer.simms Wed, 02/19/2020 - 09:16

Mardi Gras season is one of the south’s most anticipated traditions, with costumes, beads, parades, and balls, the Mississippi Gulf Coast is alive with festivities. Unfortunately, these beloved celebrations leave behind large amounts of trash that takes days to pick up. Debris that is left in streets and on sidewalks can be blown or washed into storm drains, causing blockage that increases flooding, or into the local environment creating a hazard to wildlife.

Tags prevention holiday Gulf of America

50 Years Later: Clearing Tires from Cocos Lagoon

5 years 1 month ago
50 Years Later: Clearing Tires from Cocos Lagoon jennifer.simms Thu, 02/13/2020 - 15:56

In 1969, a team of Guam fisheries scientists decided to install an artificial tire reef within Cocos Lagoon as a way to reuse old rubber tires. The experiment was intended to increase fish stocks at two different areas within the lagoon. However, after four years of close monitoring, the scientists decided to discontinue the project since it did not demonstrably improve fish stocks as intended. Over fifty years later, the tire reef still sits on the bottom of the lagoon.

Tags removal Pacific Islands

Connected by the Sea and Combating Debris in the Pacific

5 years 1 month ago
Connected by the Sea and Combating Debris in the Pacific Posted Thu, 02/13/2020 - 15:39

The Pacific Ocean bonds and connects many islands and people throughout the region. These communities share in the art and science of traditional navigation, which has fostered an intimate attachment to the ocean over many generations. Today, these island communities also share in the struggle of mitigating marine debris as they work to protect the ocean.

Tags removal prevention outreach ADVs research Pacific Islands

Connected by the Sea and Combating Debris in the Pacific

5 years 1 month ago
Connected by the Sea and Combating Debris in the Pacific jennifer.simms Thu, 02/13/2020 - 15:39

The Pacific Ocean bonds and connects many islands and people throughout the region. These communities share in the art and science of traditional navigation, which has fostered an intimate attachment to the ocean over many generations. Today, these island communities also share in the struggle of mitigating marine debris as they work to protect the ocean.

Tags removal prevention outreach ADVs research Pacific Islands

Removing Marine Debris in New York’s Jamaica Bay Salt Marshes

5 years 1 month ago
Removing Marine Debris in New York’s Jamaica Bay Salt Marshes Posted Fri, 01/31/2020 - 07:39

Spanning over 18,000 acres, Jamaica Bay is one of New York City’s unique estuaries for conservation, as well as urban recreation. The Bay is almost equal to the size of Manhattan and is surrounded by the Rockaway Peninsula to the South, Brooklyn to the West, and Queens to the East. Abandoned boats and other mid- to large-scale debris are scattered throughout the Bay.

Tags Mid-Atlantic removal