Handcrafted writing utensil holders.

Back to School Organization

A green pencil cup decorated like a monster in front of a pile of pencils.
Keep this monster fed by putting your pencils away after using them! (Credit: NOAA).

Whether you teach in a formal classroom, a nature center, or virtually, keeping your space organized can be a real challenge. These activities can keep your materials organized, get students engaged in a fun craft, and repurpose hard-to-recycle plastic bottles.

Supplies Needed: 

Various craft supplies including colored construction paper, plastic bottles, ribbon, pipecleaners, and googly eyes spread out on a table.
Here are all the supplies you'll need: some bottles, construction paper, scissors, glue, scraps of ribbon, and any fun decorations you want to add (Credit: NOAA).
  • Small plastic beverage bottles
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors* (child-safe scissors won't be strong enough to cut the bottles, so the bottle cutting should be completed by adults or with adult supervision)
Four images reflecting the steps to create a monster pencil cup.
The steps to creating your pencil cups: On the top row, plan and cut the top off of your bottle. On the bottom row, plan and cut out your decorations (Credit: NOAA).
  • Craft glue
  • Scraps of ribbon, yarn, or string
  • Googly eyes, pom poms, or other craft decorations (optional)
  • Pens, pencils, or anything you need to organize!


  1. Cut the round top off of your bottle, so you have a straight cylinder with one end open. 

  2. Cut out your decorations! I wanted to create a pencil monster, but you could create collages, animals, or any other feature you want. (And hold onto your scraps to create a cool stained-glass collage!) You can also wrap scraps of ribbon or string around your cup to create a pattern.

  3. Glue or tape your decorations to the pencil cup.

  4. Get organized!
Ta-da! Wrangle your writing utensils in style! (Credit: NOAA).

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated