A lesson plan for One Cool Earth's Earth Genius Curriculum

In this lesson students pose questions about the nature of the litter found around their school, make predictions, do a campus cleanup to cultivate environmental stewardship, and then brainstorm solutions to prevent litter.
One Cool Earth, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program and Bay Watershed Education and Training program, created a series of standards-aligned lesson plans exploring issues related to marine debris and environmental stewardship. Each of these lessons focus on experiential, project-based learning to support student engagement and action.
The full collection includes 24 lesson plans focused on Next Generation Science Standards, all of which are available on the One Cool Earth website. The lessons are grouped in “Phenomenal Series” to link related lessons. Lessons can be taught stand-alone, but may have more significance if taught in the suggested order, within a given phenomenal series. Each of these lessons are also available in a virtual format and in Spanish.
You can learn more about One Cool Earth at their website. Additionally, explore their previously funded work with the NOAA Marine Debris Program: