Help spread the message about marine debris prevention and beautify your school at the same time by getting your students involved in some marine debris art! There are lots of ways to go about creating marine debris art, but murals can be a great way to have your class work together and can help make the issue visible to others.
- Decide where your mural will be located and what the appropriate size will be.
- Working with your students, design your mural and decide what colors you will need and what type of debris to include. Consider incorporating a theme to help raise marine debris awareness, such as depicting a local aquatic environment.
- Start collecting debris! Bonus points if you collect the debris from the environment, but you can also use items that would normally be discarded or recycled (such as saving all the bottle caps from the school's plastic bottle recycling). One word of warning is to make sure students aren't going out and purchasing more single-use plastic than they normally would in order to provide materials for your mural.
- Sort your debris by color (this step is easiest when performed in conjunction with Step 3).
- Draw your design on the wall where your mural will be located and indicate what colors go where.
- Get gluing! Soon enough you'll have a beautiful mural that will make the hallways look very spiffy while raising awareness of the marine debris issue.