Learn More About Marine Debris

Learn More About Marine Debris For Adults and Professionals

  • What is marine debris? Where does it come from? How does it affect our ocean and waterways? Find the answers to these and all your marine debris questions here.
    A beach filled with people and umbrellas located in Delaware.
    Take a look at how the amount of marine debris on beaches can affect the behaviors of beachgoers and as a result, the economies of coastal communities that depend on tourism.
    Debris such as plastic detergent bottles, crates, buoys, combs, and water bottles litter a beach.
    Get to know the legislation and policy that makes the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s work possible.
    Oversimplified graphic of "garbage patches" in the North Pacific Ocean.
    What and where are garbage patches, anyway? Find out more about this important marine debris topic.
Last updated Wed, 02/21/2024 - 04:12 pm EST