Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Education and Action: A One-Two Punch for Reducing Marine Debris on the Washington Coast

Feiro Marine Life Center and the NOAA Marine Debris Program partnered up to educate students and residents from Washington’s Olympic Peninsula about marine debris impacts to the ocean.

Project Dates: September 2014 - August 2016

What is the project?
The coastline of Olympic Peninsula in Washington, to the west of Puget Sound and south of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, is a mosaic of marine ecosystems. With its sandy beaches, rocky headlands, and sea stacks, the Olympic Coast boasts incredible scenery and abundant marine wildlife. Unfortunately, like many other beach landscapes, marine debris plagues this shoreline.

In order to educate local students and residents on marine debris and inspire action, Feiro Marine Life Center and Washington CoastSavers launched a program called Education and Action: A One-Two Punch for Reducing Marine Debris on the Washington Coast. The two-pronged program focused on education efforts in coastal communities and elementary schools through classroom activities and field studies at local beaches, as well as action through beach cleanups and visits to an aquarium. More than 1,000 elementary school students from the Olympic Peninsula participated in this project. Some of the materials associated with the program can be found in the "Resources - Downloads" box on this page.

What does it accomplish?
Through the program, students and their communities were made aware of the marine debris problem and became better equipped to prevent it. They also developed long-term relationships with local beaches by monitoring beaches for debris, collecting data, and participating in cleanups. The program encouraged residents to participate in the annual Washington Coast Cleanup

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

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