Eating Plastic is a Deadly Meal

Educator's Guide to Marine Debris: SE and Gulf of Mexico.

A timed activity/game demonstrating the difficulty of distinguishing "food" from plastic debris for marine life like seabirds.

The Educator's Guide to Marine Debris in the Southeast and Gulf of Mexico is designed for educators in both formal and informal education situations. It is a regional introduction to three main categories of marine debris: litter; derelict or abandoned boats; and lost or abandoned commercial and recreational fishing gear. It is appropriate for grades 5-8.

Lesson Plans
Education Tags:
Marine Debris Topics:  
Grade 3-5  
Grade 6-8  
Life Science  
Special Categories:  
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas:  
NOAA Regions:   • Gulf of Mexico  • Southeast

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated Thu, 05/16/2024 - 01:12 pm EDT