Lessons Learned

Cover of the Trash Shouldn’t Splash Toolkit.

This concluding section of the Trash Shouldn't Splash Toolkit highlights the project team's lessons learned and tips for groups interested in organizing their own marine debris prevention group in their community.

This toolkit, created by Falmouth Water Stewards/Skip the Straw and Sea Education Association (SEA) with funding provided by the NOAA Marine Debris Program, provides strategies, best practices, and examples of successful, student-driven campaigns to reduce single-use plastics in communities. The materials in this toolkit include educational information about marine debris types, sources, and prevention; suggestions for creating logos and other communication materials; tips and scripts for interacting with restaurants; and templates for letters to community members and organizations to promote student efforts. 

Lesson Plans
Education Tags:
Marine Debris Topics:  
How to Help  
Grade 6-8  
Grade 9-12  
NOAA Regions:   • Northeast

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated Thu, 05/16/2024 - 01:08 pm EDT