Salvaging Solutions: During Fair Winds and Following Seas

Salvaging Solutions to Abandoned and Derelict Vessels (ADVs) is a monthly online webinar series hosted by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. The goal of the series is to help communities through sharing perspectives from across the country on common abandoned and derelict vessel issues and solutions. Each webinar features experts from federal, state, and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, universities, and industry, who discuss topics about communications, funding, policy, and successes and challenges under blue skies and storm conditions. To learn more and see a schedule of upcoming webinars, please visit the Salvaging Solutions to Abandoned and Derelict Vessels Webinar Series webpage

During Fair Winds and Following Seas

This Salvaging Solutions webinar focuses on innovative policies and programs to address chronic and ongoing ADV issues.


Curtis Havel, Harbormaster - Richardson's Bay Regional Agency (RBRA)
Curtis serves as the Harbormaster for the RBRA and spearheads efforts to address marine debris vessels in Richardson Bay, California, where the number of anchor-outs rose from about 90 vessels in the 1970s to over 240 vessels in 2016. The efforts to manage the anchorage have incorporated a steady, incremental approach to changing the deeply ingrained cultural norms in Sausalito/Richardson Bay anchorage, while reducing the number of vessels. Curtis provided an overview of the chronic ADV issues in Richardson Bay and RBRA's approach to addressing the issue.

Troy Wood, Program Manager for the Derelict Vessel Removal Program (DVRP) - Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) 
Troy Wood has managed the DVRP since June 2016 and previously worked for DNR as a Natural Resource Specialist in the DVRP. Prior to working for DNR, Troy served in the United States Air Force as a Structural Maintenance Section Chief. Troy provided an overview of the DVRP program, successes and challenges, and lessons learned.

Phil Horning, Derelict Vessel Program Administrator - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)
Phil Horning is the Derelict Vessel Program Administrator for the FWC Division of Law Enforcement. As part of his role, Phil provides training to officers on ADV investigations, works with communities on funding and legislation for addressing ADVs, and manages the Florida Derelict Vessel database to track vessels statewide. He provided an overview of the state's efforts to prevent ADVs through the Florida At-Risk Vessel Program.

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For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

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