Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris

Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris (TIPS) is a bimonthly online webinar series hosted by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. The goal of the TIPS series is to help tropical island communities connect and share perspectives from across the tropics on common marine debris issues and proposed solutions.

TIPS logo.

From Gear to Ghosts: Reeling in the Problem

Webinar Date: On December 10th, the Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris (TIPS) team held their third webinar, entitled Gear to Ghost: Reeling in the Problem.
Cover of the Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris webinar for Back to School.

Back to School

Webinar Date: On August 13th, Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris (TIPS) held their second webinar, entitled Back to School!
Cover slide of the Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris webinar.

Initiating Island Connections

Webinar Date:

On June 12th, the first webinar of Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris (TIPS) was held, entitled Initiating Island Connections.