Salvaging Solutions: Funding the Issue

Salvaging Solutions to Abandoned and Derelict Vessels (ADVs) is a monthly online webinar series hosted by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. The goal of the series is to help communities through sharing perspectives from across the country on common abandoned and derelict vessel issues and solutions. Each webinar features experts from federal, state, and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, universities, and industry, who discuss topics about communications, funding, policy, and successes and challenges under blue skies and storm conditions. To learn more and see a schedule of upcoming webinars, please visit the Salvaging Solutions to Abandoned and Derelict Vessels Webinar Series webpage.

Funding the Issue

This Salvaging Solutions webinar focuses on innovative policies and programs to address chronic and ongoing ADV issues.


Celia Hitchins, Senior Administrator - Monroe County Marine Resources Office
Celia works to protect the nearshore waters of the Florida Keys through a variety of programs and services including anchoring and mooring management, waterway infrastructure, derelict vessel removal, and vessel sewage pump-out. She explained the issues of ADVs in the Keys and how Monroe County has established reliable funding streams and contract procedures to quickly and effectively address ADV removals.   

Michael Pellerin, Vice President Director - Underwriting - BoatUS
Mike Pellerin is a 29-year veteran with BoatUS. In addition to his current position overseeing the underwriting team at BoatUS/GEICO Marine, Mike has held positions with the product division (prior to being acquired by West Marine), the claims department, and with the Association. Mike is an avid boater who has held a 100 Ton license and currently enjoys boating on his Grady White in North Eastern Florida on Amelia Island. Mike's talk focused on the value of vessel insurance coverage.

Sarah Lowe, Great Lakes Regional Coordinator - NOAA Marine Debris Program, under contract with Lynker
Sarah has worked in support of the NOAA Marine Debris Program for the past 12 years. As part of her current duties she works with partners on NOAA-funded regional marine debris projects, including ADV removals. She provided an overview of the NOAA Marine Debris Program's removal funding opportunity, as well as a few examples of funded ADV removal projects.

Webinar Date
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For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

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