Keeping Our Coastlines Clean U.S. Virgin Islands Marine Debris Curriculum

Cover of the U.S. Virgin Islands Marine Debris Curriculum - Keeping Our Coastlines Clean

Marine debris is a pervasive, global problem and one that is felt locally in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Through a NOAA Marine Debris Program prevention grant, the University of the Virgin Islands adapted and revised marine debris lessons for USVI, including Oregon Marine Debris STEAMSSTurning the Tide on Trash, and Talking Trash and Taking Action. The curriculum was co-created with the input of educators from USVI who participated in workshops and provided input following in-class use. The curriculum also includes 15 spotlights, which highlight USVI-specific marine debris research, local researchers, community-led prevention efforts, and natural disaster impacts from marine debris.

Looking for more USVI activities? Check out Understanding Marine Debris - U.S. Virgin Islands Edition, an activity book filled with an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, and coloring activities adapted for use in USVI.

Marine Debris Topics:  
How to Help  
Grade 6-8  
Grade 9-12  
Life Science  
Special Categories:  
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas:  
NOAA Regions:   • Caribbean
Last updated Wed, 07/03/2024 - 10:35 am EDT