Alaska does have a formal state Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (ADV) Program that is administered by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The program was formed in 2020 with the intent of preventing and deterring the abandonment and operation of derelict vessels in the waters of the state and on state, municipal, and private property. The ADV program uses its authority under Alaska Statutes 30.30 to prevent more vessels from becoming derelict by conducting public outreach and education, outlining strategies for dismantling and removing derelict vessels, and leveraging available funds to support the ADV Program efforts.

Legislative Summary

Alaska’s ADV Program is supported by a set of statutes that were updated in 2018 to create the ADV Program itself. The 2018 updates, among other actions, streamlined the process for impounding and disposing of derelict vessels, added civil penalties for a person responsible for a derelict vessel, and gave the Department of Natural Resources authority to enforce the provisions of Alaska Statutes 30.30.

Funding Summary

Alaska does have a derelict vessel prevention program fund that was created under Alaska Statute 30.30.096. However, the law does not create a dedicated removal fund. Monies in the existing fund are not currently being distributed to other agencies or municipalities to support removal of derelict vessels, but may be in the future, after the ADV program is able to establish regulations to outline those processes.

POC Summary

The lead agency for abandoned and derelict vessels in Alaska is the Department of Natural Resources, through the Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Program.

Last updated Tue, 03/19/2024 - 05:21 pm EDT