Indiana currently does not have a formal program to address the issues of abandoned or derelict watercraft. The state does have existing legislation that addresses abandoned watercraft found on state waters. In addition, they also have procedures established concerning abandoned shipwrecks, which are covered under a series of administrative codes.

Legislative Summary

Indiana law does address abandoned watercraft within its borders, however, they have passed legislation to deal with abandoned watercraft under Indiana Code Title 14: Natural and Cultural Resources. In addition, they have laws concerning abandoned shipwrecks, which are covered under administrative code Title 312 Natural Resource Commission, Article 6 Navigable Waters.

Funding Summary

The State of Indiana does not have dedicated funding in support of their abandoned watercraft legislation and enforcement activities. Under Ind. Code § 14-15-3-30a-2, the responsibility of paying for the removal and storage belongs to the owner of the watercraft, if they can be determined. In addition, any proceeds from the sale at public auction of abandoned watercraft are deposited, pursuant to Ind. Code § 14-15-3-30a-5, into the state's fish and wildlife fund.

POC Summary

The Department of Natural Resources is the lead agency in Indiana with regards to abandoned watercraft.

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated Tue, 03/19/2024 - 05:41 pm EDT